I want to cancel my payment (iOS) | GrandChase - Dimensional Chaser
GrandChase - Dimensional Chaser FAQ - English BILLING
I want to cancel my payment (iOS)

If you want to cancel your payment within the game or refund your purchase,

Please fill out the following contents and accept the 1: 1 inquiry.

■ Contact Form

1) Use Store: App Store

2) Game membership number (15 digits):

3) Nickname:

4) Payment date:

5) Payment amount:

6) Request: Cancel payment

7) Screen shot of iTunes payment details with order number attached (required)

■ How to contact 1: 1

 Main> Top right Game Settings (Gear)> Account Information> Customer Center> 1: 1 Inquiry

[How to check your payment history]

1. Open PC iTunes → Account → Login → View My Account

2. Account Information → Purchase History / See all

3. Purchase History → Set Date in search option

4. Click [More] and [Order ID] on the right side of the payment item

5. Take a screenshot including DATE, ORDER ID, Purchased Items, and the Payment amount and attach the screenshot upon sending a ticket.

Please note that any refund(payment cancellation, etc) filed in ad open market store may result in a sanction such as a login restriction, account bans, etc.

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